Expressions personnelles

De nombreuses personnes avec lesquelles nous travaillons, ainsi que les membres de leur famille, ont des talents incroyables. Cette page leur permet de montrer ces talents, que ce soit par l'art, la vidéo, la poésie, les contes ou d'autres médias. S'il vous plaît jeter un oeil et profiter.

De l'art

Certaines familles font face en utilisant l'humour. Voici quelques-uns d'un membre de la famille. Cliquez pour voir des versions plus grandes.

Woman in denial

Denial (anglais seulement)

Woman with pharmacist

Pharmacy Fractions 101 (anglais seulement)

Woman with group of people drinking coffee

What the H*#@ Are You Talking About? Society (anglais seulement)


Dinner for two by dan
(disponibles en anglais seulement)
having suffered from psychosis
at different times in my life
and regaining my health
makes me look back
and wish there was
an eraser to get
rid of those few moments.
so many people
in a popular man’s life
affected and not always
the chance to explain…
reason for much pain.
i’ve gained more
over the years in life
than tears built
on fears of thinking
at times i wasn’t me.
then to see people
fascinated by pain.
i prefer the rain
and not fearing tomorrow.
i’ve written out most of my life and know
where my brain
deceived me but continue
to know the person i am
with a nice tan in the summer
thanks to italy and the other side
pale in the winter
from a scottish side
that will never let go.
i’d prefer to have not lost
so much but am grateful
for knowing who i really am
and among all the chaos
still alive with the intent
of glad tomorrows
building on remembering
the respect
and forgetting the neglect.
i’ve pecked at a few women
but have never had a lover…
why, i don’t know.
eccentric to the bone
while always being sincere
and full of laughter.
however people remember
or think of me,
it is all written in books
i’ve kept to myself for now
not wanting to milk a cow
called my life.
a wife some day…
yes, that’s the dream.
today is alone but happy
avoiding so many messes
thinking there’s still a chance
for a guy who has been
all over the map with thought
but with the proper help
can live a life as normal as
the person who doesn’t
talk to themselves walking
down the street.
poetry and art
etch my soul in eternity
for all l the right reasons
that i chose the age
of 19 to spell
out a quiet man’s words
and images for only those
close to this soul
here to see what i share.
rambling raving roving
and strolling along.

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